Lucid Dreaming Reality Checks Not Working – How To Fix It.




lucid dreaming reality checks not working

Are you frustrated with the ineffectiveness of your reality checks in achieving lucidity in your dreams?

If so, you’re not alone. Many people struggle with reality checks not working as they had hoped. In this blog post, we will explore the reasons why reality checks may fail to induce lucid dreaming and provide valuable tips and tricks to improve their effectiveness.

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced lucid dreamer, understanding why your reality checks are not working and implementing the right techniques can significantly increase your chances of unlocking the secrets to lucid dreaming.

So, let’s dive in and explore this frustrating topic and discover how to make those dream-state breakthroughs a reality.

Key Takeaways

  • Lack of self awareness can prevent reality checks from working
  • Introspection and questioning reality on a profound level are necessary for effective reality checks
  • Consistently doing reality checks is essential for them to show up in your dreams
  • Reality checks can be difficult to perform in public

Lucid Dreaming Reality Checks Not Working

Reality checks may not make you lucid in dreams when they are only a memory of a previous dream, which can happen more frequently as you become more experienced with lucid dreaming.

It can be frustrating when reality checks don’t work but don’t give up. Instead, try incorporating other techniques to induce lucid dreams, such as keeping a dream journal or practicing dream control.

Why are my reality checks not working

Are you performing reality checks correctly? How often are you doing reality checks? Are you consistent with your reality checks?

These are important questions to consider when trying to understand why your reality checks may not be working.

It’s also crucial to examine your dream recall and whether you’re using multiple reality checks.

Are you performing reality checks correctly?

If you’re not experiencing results with your reality checks, it’s worth examining whether you’re performing them correctly. Here are some key points to consider:

  1. Dream signs: Pay attention to recurring themes or symbols in your dreams that can serve as triggers for reality checks.
  2. Perform reality checks multiple times a day: Doing them consistently increases the likelihood of performing a reality check in a dream.
  3. Remember to engage all your senses: Along with the usual finger-through-hand test, try to breathe through pinched nostrils or examine objects closely.

How often are you doing reality checks?

To improve your chances of recognizing the dream reality, make sure you frequently incorporate reality checks into your daily routine. Reality checks actually work in increasing lucidity and helping you control the dream.

If you’re new to lucid dreaming, a popular reality check is to pinch your nose and try breathing through it. Another effective one is pushing your finger through your palm.

Keep practicing these reality tests, and they will eventually become second nature in your dreams.

Are you consistent with your reality checks?

Make sure you’re regularly incorporating reality checks into your daily routine to maintain consistency and improve your chances of recognizing the dream reality. If your reality checks are not working, it’s important to assess whether you are being consistent with them.

Here are three tips to help you stay consistent with your reality checks:

  1. Set reminders: Use alarms or phone notifications throughout the day to remind yourself to do reality checks.
  2. Find triggers: Identify certain events or situations that can serve as triggers for you to perform a reality check, such as walking through doorways or seeing a specific object.
  3. Keep a journal: Document your reality check experiences in a dream journal to track your progress and identify patterns that may be hindering their effectiveness.

Do you have a strong dream recall?

Improve your chances of remembering your dreams by practicing regular dream journaling and using timed REM alarms.

If your reality checks are not working, it could be due to weak dream recall.

Keeping a dream journal helps strengthen your ability to remember dreams, making it easier to detect inconsistencies and trigger lucid dreaming.

Are you using multiple reality checks?

Are you incorporating different reality checks into your daily routine? If you’re finding that your reality checks aren’t working to induce lucid dreaming, it might be time to try multiple reality checks. Here’s why:

  1. Increasing Variety: By using different reality checks, you can cover a wider range of dream scenarios and increase the likelihood of recognizing when you’re dreaming.
  2. Strengthening Awareness: Multiple reality checks reinforce the habit of questioning reality, making it more likely for this awareness to carry over into your dreams.
  3. Overcoming Habituation: Our brains are skilled at adapting to repetitive actions. By switching up your reality checks, you can prevent habituation from dulling their effectiveness.

Are you maintaining a dream journal?

By consistently recording your dreams in a journal, you deepen your connection to the dream world and increase your ability to recall and analyze your dreams.

If reality checks are not working for you, maintaining a dream journal can be incredibly helpful. Writing down your dreams in detail allows you to identify patterns, themes, and symbols that may be relevant to lucid dreaming.

It also helps you remember specific instances where reality checks have or have not worked, giving you contextually relevant information to choose the best approach for each dream.

What can I do if reality checks don’t work for me?

If reality checks don’t seem to be working for you, there are several strategies you can try.

First, experiment with different reality check techniques to find one that resonates with you.

Additionally, work on improving your dream recall by keeping a dream journal and using methods like timed REM alarms and self-hypnosis.

Focus on identifying dream signs within your dreams and use them as triggers for reality checks.

Try different reality-check techniques

To improve the effectiveness of your reality checks, try experimenting with different techniques. Here are three techniques you can try:

  1. Totem Induction: Use a small object, like a coin or key, as a totem. Carry it with you throughout the day and regularly check it to see if it changes in any way. In your dream world, your dreaming mind may struggle to maintain consistent details, revealing that you’re in a dream.
  2. Nose Pinch Reality Check: Pinch your nose and try to breathe through it. In real life, this is impossible, but in a dream, you will still be able to breathe. If you find yourself breathing while pinching your nose shut, you’ll know that you’re dreaming.
  3. Finger Through Palm: Push one finger from your opposite hand into the palm of your other hand. In reality, your finger won’t go through the palm, but in a dream world, it will effortlessly pass through. By practicing this reality check during waking hours, it may carry over into your dreams and help trigger lucidity.

Improve your dream recall

Start keeping a dream journal to improve how well you remember your dreams. Dream recall is crucial for successful lucid dreaming and can enhance the effectiveness of reality checks.

If your reality checks are not working, focusing on improving your dream recall can be a game-changer. By writing down your dreams in a journal every morning, you train your brain to pay attention to dream details and increase your overall dream recall ability.

This will provide contextually relevant keywords and insights for future reality checks and help improve their effectiveness.

Focus on dream signs

When focusing on dream signs, pay attention to recurring themes or symbols that appear in your dreams. This can help you identify patterns and increase your chances of becoming lucid.

If reality checks aren’t working for you, it may be helpful to shift your focus toward dream signs. By actively looking for and analyzing these signs, you can choose reality checks that are contextually relevant to the content of your dreams.

Remember to stay persistent and experiment with different techniques until you find what works best for you.

Experiment with different induction methods

Experimenting with various induction methods can help you discover the most effective techniques for achieving lucid dreams. If reality checks are not working for you, it may be beneficial to try different approaches. Consider incorporating different reality check exercises, such as pushing your finger through your hand or trying to breathe while holding your nose. Additionally, explore other methods like dream journaling, meditation, or using lucid dreaming apps. By experimenting with different techniques, you can find what works best for you in the context of your own lucid dreaming journey.

Induction MethodsBenefits
Reality CheckTests if you’re dreaming
Dream JournalingImproves dream recall
MeditationEnhances self-awareness
Lucid Dreaming AppsAssists in lucid dreaming
VisualizationEnhances dream experience

Consider seeking guidance from experienced lucid dreamers

Consider reaching out to experienced lucid dreamers for guidance and advice on enhancing your abilities in the realm of conscious dreaming.

If your reality checks are not working, seeking guidance from those who have mastered the art of lucid dreaming can provide valuable insights and techniques to help you overcome any challenges you may be facing.

Experienced lucid dreamers can offer personalized advice tailored to your specific needs, helping you navigate through the obstacles and achieve greater success in your lucid dreaming practice.

Video – Reality Checks Not Working?

How can I improve the effectiveness of reality checks?

If you want to improve the effectiveness of your reality checks in lucid dreaming, there are several key points to consider.

First, increasing your self-awareness throughout the day is crucial as it helps you question reality more often.

Second, performing reality checks in different contexts can help train your mind to question whether you’re dreaming or not in various situations.

Lastly, combining reality checks with other lucid dreaming techniques, such as dream journaling or visualization exercises, can enhance your overall chances of achieving lucidity in dreams.

Increase your self-awareness throughout the day

To increase your self-awareness throughout the day, try incorporating introspection and questioning reality on a profound level.

This can help improve the effectiveness of reality checks in lucid dreaming. By increasing your self-awareness, you become more attuned to your surroundings and are better able to discern whether you are in a dream or not.

This heightened awareness can make reality checks more reliable and lead to more frequent lucid dreams.

Perform reality checks in different contexts

Incorporate a variety of settings and situations into your reality checks to enhance their effectiveness and increase the likelihood of becoming lucid in different contexts. Performing reality checks in different scenarios will help you train your brain to question reality in all aspects of your life, including dreams. By practicing reality checks in various contexts, such as at work, while exercising, or during social interactions, you’ll develop a stronger habit that can lead to more frequent lucid dreaming experiences.

OfficeTyping on computerFinger through hand
GymLifting weightsJumping and floating
PartyTalking with friendsChanging objects
BeachSwimming in oceanBreathing underwater
ParkPlaying with petsFlying

Combine reality checks with other lucid dreaming techniques

Combining reality checks with other techniques can enhance your chances of having lucid dreams. Here are three lucid dreaming techniques to combine with reality checks:

  1. Dream journaling: Write down your dreams every morning to improve dream recall and increase awareness of dream signs.
  2. MILD technique: Before falling asleep, repeat affirmations like ‘I will have a lucid dream’ to program your mind for awareness during dreams.
  3. Reality testing throughout the day: Incorporate frequent reality checks into your daily routine to train your brain to question reality and increase the likelihood of doing reality checks in dreams.

Believe in the possibility of lucid dreaming

If your reality checks aren’t working, it might be because you don’t fully believe in the possibility of lucid dreaming. It’s important to have faith that you can achieve this state.

When you do a reality check, like trying to breathe through a closed nose or pushing your finger through your hand, truly believe that it will work. Train your mind to expect success.

If you continue to struggle with reality checks, consider seeking guidance from a doctor or experienced lucid dreamer.

Develop a reality check routine

Developing a regular routine for performing reality checks is essential for increasing the frequency of lucid dreams. If your reality checks aren’t working, it’s time to develop a new routine. Here’s how:

  1. Set specific times throughout the day to do reality checks.
  2. Use alarms or reminders to prompt yourself to perform reality checks.
  3. Incorporate reality checks into daily activities, like looking at your reflection or questioning your surroundings.

What are some common mistakes in reality-checking for lucid dreaming

Are you struggling with the effectiveness of your reality checks in lucid dreaming? It’s important to avoid common mistakes that can hinder your progress.

One mistake is relying solely on one reality check, as different techniques work for different people.

Performing reality checks mindlessly or skipping them when you’re busy or distracted can also diminish their effectiveness.

Additionally, not paying attention to dream signs can cause you to miss opportunities for lucidity.

Relying solely on one reality check

To increase the effectiveness of your reality checks, try using multiple techniques instead of relying solely on one reality check. Here’s why relying solely on one reality check may not be working for you:

  1. Limited perspective: Depending on only one reality check limits your chances of catching a dream because different techniques tap into different aspects of the dream state.
  2. Habitual blindness: Your mind can become habituated to a single reality check, making it less effective over time.
  3. Inaccurate results: One reality check may not always provide reliable feedback, leading to false conclusions about being awake or dreaming.

Performing reality checks mindlessly

Performing reality checks without intention or mindfulness can diminish their effectiveness over time.

When you mindlessly perform reality checks, like telekinesis or pushing your finger through your palm, they may not work as expected.

It’s important to stay present and fully engage in the process of questioning your reality.

Skipping reality checks when you’re busy or distracted

Skipping reality checks when you’re busy or distracted can decrease the effectiveness of your lucid dreaming practice. Here’s why:

1) Lack of focus: When you’re busy or distracted, it’s easy to forget about doing reality checks altogether. This means you miss out on opportunities to question your reality and increase your self-awareness.

2) Missed cues: Lucid dreaming requires paying attention to subtle cues that indicate you’re in a dream. By skipping reality checks, you may overlook these important signs and miss chances to become lucid.

3) Breaking the habit: Consistency is key when it comes to reality checks. Skipping them disrupts the habit-building process and makes it harder for them to naturally occur in your dreams.

To maximize the effectiveness of your lucid dreaming practice, make sure to prioritize reality checks even when you’re busy or distracted.

Not paying attention to dream signs

When you’re not paying attention to dream signs, it can hinder your ability to become aware in your dreams. Dream signs are those unique cues or anomalies that occur in dreams but not in reality. They can be as simple as a light switch not working or time behaving strangely.

By recognizing and actively noticing these dream signs throughout the day, you train your mind to question reality when similar occurrences happen in your dreams. This increases the likelihood of becoming lucid during REM sleep and having more control over your dreams.

Final Thoughts

So, you’ve been diligently practicing your reality checks for lucid dreaming, but they just don’t seem to be working.

It can be frustrating, like chasing a butterfly that always slips through your fingers.

But fear not, my friend! Don’t let this setback deter you from your dreams of dream control.

Keep pushing through, exploring different techniques and approaches.

Remember, the path to lucidity may be filled with obstacles, but every stumble brings you closer to the ultimate goal – soaring through the boundless skies of your imagination.


Q: Why are my reality checks not working?

A: There could be a few reasons why your reality checks are not working. One possibility is that you’re not performing them consistently enough. It’s important to practice reality checks each day, even during times when you think it might not be necessary. Another reason could be that you’re not fully engaging your mind in the reality check. Instead of simply going through the motions, try to really question your surroundings and truly consider the possibility that you’re in a dream.

Q: What should I do if reality checks didn’t work?

A: If reality checks didn’t work for you, it’s important to not get discouraged. Instead, try to analyze what went wrong and make adjustments for future reality checks. You may have been too distracted or not fully present in the moment when you performed the check. Additionally, it’s important to remember that reality checks are just one method for becoming lucid in dreams. There are other techniques, such as dream journaling and reality testing throughout your waking life, that can also enhance your chances of having lucid dreams.

Q: How do I know if I’m awake or in a dream?

A: Distinguishing between being awake and being in a dream can sometimes be challenging, especially for beginners. Reality checks are a tool to help you with this. For example, in waking life, when you pinch your nose and try to breathe through it, you won’t be able to. However, in a dream, your unconscious mind may overlook this physical reality and allow you to breathe through your pinched nose. Similarly, counting your fingers in a dream may result in having extra or missing fingers. These discrepancies can be a clue that you’re in a dream state.

Q: What is the basic idea behind reality checks?

A: The basic idea behind reality checks is to establish a habit of questioning your reality in order to increase your chances of recognizing when you’re in a dream. By regularly performing reality checks throughout your waking life, you are training your mind to question the nature of your surroundings. This habit can then carry over into your dreams, where you’ll be more likely to notice inconsistencies or signs that you’re in another reality.

Q: Can reality checks work even if I’ve never had a lucid dream before?

A: Yes, reality checks can still be beneficial even if you’ve never had a lucid dream before. They serve as a way to cultivate awareness and mindfulness in your waking life, which can have a positive impact on your overall dream recall and dream clarity. By practicing reality checks consistently, you’re training your mind to be more present and conscious, which can increase your likelihood of becoming lucid in a dream.

Q: What should I do if reality checks work for some time but not anymore?

A: If reality checks were effective for a period of time but are no longer producing the desired results, it may be helpful to examine any changes in your routine or mindset. Have you been under increased stress? Have you started taking a new medication? These factors can potentially affect your dream experiences and the effectiveness of reality checks. If the problem persists, it may be beneficial to consult with a doctor who specializes in sleep or dream disorders.

Q: How do I master reality checks to have more lucid dreams?

A: Mastering reality checks involves consistent practice and a genuine curiosity about your own consciousness. Make it a habit to perform reality checks regularly throughout the day, even during mundane tasks. Additionally, engage your mind in the reality check, asking yourself meaningful questions about your surroundings and truly considering the possibility of being in a dream. Over time, this heightened awareness can carry over into your dreams, increasing your chances of becoming lucid.

Q: What do lucid dreams feel like?

A: Lucid dreams can feel very vivid and real. In fact, they can often be indistinguishable from waking life in terms of sensory experiences. However, lucid dreams often have an element of control that sets them apart. In a lucid dream, you have the ability to manipulate your surroundings, fly, or interact with dream characters. It’s important to note that the experience of lucid dreaming may vary from person to person.

Q: How long does it take to have a lucid dream after I start practicing reality checks?

A: The time it takes to have a lucid dream after you start practicing reality checks can vary from person to person. Some individuals may notice results within the first few weeks, while others may take longer. It’s important to remember that building the habit of reality checks and increasing your awareness in dreams is a gradual process. Patience…

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